
GSP Membership

Membership in the Girl Scouts of the Philippines is voluntary. It is open to Filipinos residing here and abroad as well as non-Filipinos residing in the Philippines who believe in the principles of Girl Scouting and subscribe to the Girl Scout Promise and Law. It offers various and countless opportunities and privileges for growth and self-development such as membership in the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) and participation in the 8-Point Challenge Program.

Girls, young women and adults who believe in Girl Scouting and accept the principles embodied in the Girl Scout Promise and Law have the opportunity to be a member of the organization.

Membership Responsibility

As GSP member should subscribe to the Girl Scout Promise and Law and pay the annual registration fee corresponding to the position she holds in the organization. The amounts of registration fee per type of membership are as follows:

Girl Members 
(4-21 years old divided into five (5) age levels)

Twinkler (4-6 years old) P50.00 per girl
Star (6-9 years old) P50.00 per girl
Junior (9-12 years old) P50.00 per girl
Senior (12-16 years old) P50.00 per girl
Cadet (16-21 years old) P50.00 per girl


Adult Members

Troop Leader P50.00 per adult
Co-Leader P50.00 per adult
Barangay Committee Member P50.00 per adult
District Committee Member P50.00 per adult
Associate Member P50.00 per adult
Trefoil Guild Member P50.00 per adult
Council Standing Committee Member P50.00 per adult
GSP Staff P50.00 per adult
Council Board Member (Councils) P175.00 per adult
Council President P400.00 per adult
Regional Committee Member (Region) P400.00 per adult
Central Board Member (National) P500.00 per adult

Membership with GSP is annual. It starts on the date the registration fee is paid and expires one year thereafter.

Membership Benefits and Privileges

For Girls and Young Women

  • Fun, adventure, learning, character training and development through experience in camp/ outdoor activities and badgework in the 8-Point Challenge, community involvement activities, special programs, and international experience.
  • Opportunity to explore other fields of interest and learn new skills useful in one’s life;
  • Opportunity for leadership training and working with others.

For Adults

  • Opportunity for service in the development of young people in the community.
  • Opportunity to bring out girls to encampment/trainings within and outside the country.
  • Opportunity to understand girls and young women and contribute to their development.
  • Training opportunities for personal growth and development, locally and internationally.
  • A wide variety of service and development opportunities as troop leaders, district field advisers, trainers, officers, and members of the boards and committees at council,regional,national, and international levels in Girl Scouting.

For Both

  • The privilege of membership in the WAGGGS and participation in its programs.
  • To represent their troop/barangay/city/municipality/province to Council, Regional, National and International Girl Guiding/Girl Scouting events.
  • The chance to stay and participate in the Girl Scout Program at the National and World Centers where opportunities for meeting friends are many.
  • The joy of taking the Promise and Law as a way of life.
  • The privilege of wearing the GSP uniform.
  • Entitlement to financial assistance in cases of death, accident and rape from the GSP-Membership Mutual Assistance Fund (GSP-MMAF)

Membership Classification

The active members are composed of Girl Scouts (4-21 years old belonging to the five age levels namely; Twinkler, Star, Junior, Senior and Cadet), Charter/Life Members, Members of the Central Board, Members of Special and Standing Committees, Members of the Regional Committees, Members of the Provincial/City Councils, Members of the Barangay Committees, Troop Leaders and GSP Staff.

The auxiliary members on the other hand are composed of Honorary Members, Associate Members, Trefoil Guild Members and Sustaining Members.

Hereunder are the descriptions of each type of membership.

Active Members

Girl Scouts – girls and young women carrying out the Girl Scouting Program are further classified according to their varying needs and interests. They are as follows:

  • Twinkler (4-6 years old)
  • Star (6-9 years)
  • Junior (9-12 years old)
  • Senior (12-16 years old)
  • Cadet (16-21 years old)

Charter/Life Members – the original incorporators of the organization whose names are listed in Commonwealth Act No. 542 as amended by Republic Act No. 4375, Presidential Decree 720 and Executive Order 267 and their successors who shall be members for life and shall not exceed sixteen (16) in number. They shall have perpetual succession and any vacancy that occurs shall be filled by the Central Board as may be provided for in the By-Laws.

Members of the Central Board – the highest policy-making and governing body of the GSP.

Members of Standing and Special Committees – those who perform advisory or recommendatory functions pertaining to their respective areas of work such as: Membership, Program, Training, Communications, Personnel, Finance, Fund Development, National Equipment Service, Real Properties and Buildings, Legal and International.

Members of the Regional Committee – The committees help the Central Board in the management of the Girl Scouting program and resources in the different Provincial/City Girl Scout Councils within their area of jurisdiction.

Members of the Provincial/City Councils – those who promote and extend membership to all girls and manage the policy implementation and coordination in the Provincial/City Councils.

Members of the District Committees – those who coordinate Girl Scouting activities in the barangays within the districts.

Members of the Barangay Committees – those who promote and develop Girl Scouting by supporting their Girl Scout troops in the implementation of the Girl Scout Program.

Troop Leaders/Co-Leaders – the adult women who help the girls in the troop to carry out the Girl Scout Program.

GSP Staff – adult members who are:

  • Regularly employed by the GSP as full time staff in varying positions at the National Headquarters, Regional, Council Offices and Camping and Program Centers.
  • Not regular employees of GSP, but opt to be members.

Auxiliary Members

Honorary Members – outstanding citizens of the Philippines chosen by the Central Board for the furtherance of Girl Scouting Program.

Associate Members – those unable to work actively with a Girl Scout group but who are in interested in Girl Scouting and are willing to extend their support.

Trefoil Guild Members – former Girl Scouts of the organization who wish to carry on the Girl Scout code in their community and to give support to the Movement.

Sustaining Members – those who extend financial and/or material support to the Movement.




Girl Scouts of the Philippines

901 Padre Faura Street, Ermita, Manila

Trunkline: (632) 8-5238331 to 42

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